
Draw an ellipse at the given coordinates. An ellipse is an oval that is defined by a bounding rectangle. To draw a circle, see circle.


All of these options support arrays and singleton expansion (except for range). See Squib Thinks in Arrays for deeper explanation.


default: 0

the x-coordinate to place, relative to the upper-left corner of the card and moving right as it increases. Supports Unit Conversion and XYWH Shorthands.


default: 0

the y-coordinate to place, relative to the upper-left corner of the card and moving downward as it increases. Supports Unit Conversion and XYWH Shorthands.


default: :deck (the width of the deck)

the width of the box. Supports Unit Conversion and XYWH Shorthands.


default: :deck (the height of the deck)

the height of the box. Supports Unit Conversion. Also can be :center or :middle for half the height of the deck. Supports Unit Conversion and and XYWH Shorthands.


default: '#0000' (fully transparent)

the color or gradient to fill with. See Specifying Colors & Gradients.


default: :black

the color with which to stroke the outside of the shape. See Specifying Colors & Gradients.


default: 2

the width of the outside stroke. Supports Unit Conversion.


default: :fill_first

Specify whether the stroke is done before (thinner) or after (thicker) filling the shape.

Must be either :fill_first or :stroke_first (or their string equivalents).


default: '' (no dash pattern set)

Define a dash pattern for the stroke. This is a special string with space-separated numbers that define the pattern of on-and-off alternating strokes, measured in pixels or units. For example, '0.02in 0.02in' will be an equal on-and-off dash pattern. Supports Unit Conversion.


default: :butt

Define how the end of the stroke is drawn. Options are :square, :butt, and :round (or string equivalents of those).


default: :mitre

Specifies how to render the junction of two lines when stroking. Options are :mitre, :round, and :bevel.


default: 0

the angle at which to rotate the ellipse about it’s upper-left corner


default: :all

the range of cards over which this will be rendered. See Using range to specify cards


default: nil

entry in the layout to use as defaults for this command. See Layouts are Squib’s Best Feature.
